Thursday, February 12, 2009

The beginning

Hi everyone!

As you all already know Adam popped the question on December 29th with a little help from an amazing picture slide show he created. After drying my eyes well enough to see his handsome face I somehow managed to get the word YES out.

I can remember telling my close family and girlfriends a couple weeks after meeting Adam, "now listen, I know this might sound crazy but I met the man I'm going to marry, mark my words". Some would giggle, a few would worry that I was going to end up with a broken heart but most believed me, I don't think I have ever been so sure of something before.

Now on to the next step, planning the wedding.
My wonderful husband-to-be set this blog up for me to keep everyone up-to-date with the wedding planning. Some of you are near and some far away but all of you are close to our heart.

Everyone that has creative ideas or just ideas in general that you think we can use SHOUT them out please! Thank you all for being super supportive. Adam and I both were a little surprised to hear how excited everyone is for us. THANK YOU & tune in...


  1. I am so excited for you both! I LOVE this blog to keep everyone updated. What a great idea! I can't wait to see you both this weekend. Love ya!

  2. Blog - good idea. Louise and I are sitting here looking at your picture and thinking how happy you are making our lives. Say hi to Ava for us. (kisses and hugs, Louise reminds me). we are interested in you progress with the plans. We need to think about the rehersal dinner or whatever and times to get there etc. BTW have you made any progress on honeymoon reservations?. Hmmm, maybe I should ask Adam that question. Louise wants me to remind you that if you polan to go to Costa Rica you'll need passports and they take a whjile to get.
    Talk with you soon. Our love to all y'all.

  3. Hi Whitney and Adam,
    All of us up here in the cold northeast are so excited about your wedding! We just wish we were closer to share in all the excitement.
    This blog is such a great idea and will let us feel a bit closer to it all.
    We are all so excited for the three of you! I am searching daily to find that perfect yellow shoe!! (smile)
    We love you,
    Aunt Mary and Peter and all the kids

  4. Whit and Adam, What a nice way to keep up with all your family and friends. Like Mary said, it allows everyone to feel a little closer. I will see you all tomorrow. Hope Ava and Adam have fun at the library. Love, Mom

  5. Hi Whit and Adam,
    Where are ya'll registered?
    Love you,
    Aunt Mary

  6. Whit and Adam,
    We went to the Funky-Monkey site and it looks like such a great destination. All the things ya'll like,,,,surfing, outdoor fun and healthy eating---we saw all the sushi!
    Have a great time.....and how nice to look forward to it.
    Aunt Mary and Peter

  7. Aww I love your blog, I can't even describe how happy I am for the both of you! Congratulations guys!!
    P.S. the video has made me cry, what a sweet guy!

  8. I really like the blog additions. I am glad you included the engagement slideshow. Things seem to be coming together now, invitations, flowers, dresses, rings. It is very exciting. Enjoy this time. With Alex home all next week, we hope to turn some attention toward the house and yard. Pray for good weather. Love, Mom (Teresa) Hope you can make it for oysters Sunday!

  9. Alright, so it's sad that I just finally looked this thing up seeing as I am on the computer all day. First off, sick slide show kid. Nothing like blowing all of us out of the water with the proposals.

    Second, why are your parents looking younger than ever? Must be the warmer weather or not having to worry about the kids getting into trouble.

    Finally, I speak for all of us up here ...
    We always wondered why the hell you were so picky and what exactly you were looking for. Well, during our visit we finally found out the answer and now it's obvious that it was clearly worth the wait.

    Looking forward to the both of you in May, although it doesn't compare to how much we are anticipating the big day back on your home turf.
