Tuesday, June 15, 2010

38 Weeks

We are moving right along! We saw Dr. Dwyer today and got an ultra sound. The measurements were good, now we just need him to turn a little more (to face the rear) before coming out too see us. I am up to 3cm dilated! The swelling has moved to both of my feet :(
Nesting is IN! I think it has affected both Adam & I! I did some more art for Finn's room this weekend. Sleep is worse then ever. This is my last week at work & then I'm out for 8 weeks.
Look out world, Finnley is coming soon!

Monday, June 7, 2010

37 Weeks

Yesterday (6-6-10) we celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary! It was a beautiful day on the Outer Banks. We spent some time with Ava on the beach in Kitty Hawk. When it's 90 degrees outside you almost have to be in the water if you're going to be out doors. The water was frigged but we managed to take a few dips and had a blast playing on shore. We are in the home stretch (3 weeks to go) before we become a family of four. We are so excited to welcome baby Finnley Kai Norko into our loving home. Everything is coming along great and the nursery only needs a bit of art hung on the bare walls to finalize the room. Ava had her first dentist appointment today with Dr. Pat. Now, if we can just make it to her 5th birthday party at the pool on Saturday Finn can come whenever he would like. When I saw Dr. Dwyer last week (36 Weeks) I had an internal exam and he told me that I'm 2cm dilated & 80% effaced. I have another appointment tomorrow so I'll keep everyone up-to-date with any new information.